Sunday, May 15, 2011

Why everything seems topsy turvy?

Are you one of those persons whose forehead shows creases after reading everyday’s newspaper, who start readjusting their monthly budget plans on a weekly basis or who think money is never sufficient?  The root question of all the other questions that flash across your mind remains the same – “What’s wrong with the Government”.

  • It would be wrong to say that this Government has been the perpetrator of maximum number of scams. I look at it the other way. The Indian Media community has greatly evolved through these years. The media persons seem to me like members of one of those secret societies – similar to Illuminati or any other secret society name you might come across in any novel – who behave like they are omni-present and omni-potent. They are a pain in all the possible points of the corrupt politicians and Govt officials.
  • The RBI is on a different freaky path. Its actions seem to have defied all common sense. It’s difficult to imagine how it would be able to control the food inflation through increase in lending rates. I think it’s trying to create a new economic theory/law of its own, and we are the subjects of experiments – our fate no less than the rats used for scientific experiments. Whether the price of essential food commodities is Rs 20 per kilo or Rs 50 per kilo, I wouldn’t stop buying it. They are totally price insensitive. The only effects that the increase in interest rates are having on our day to day life is increasing the loan EMIs, decrease in demand of house loans (the car sales have increased month-on-month – can RBI solve this anomaly) and giving more incentives to the common man to invest in fixed income securities.
  • The petrol prices- another pain point for the common man. The petrol prices are also highly price insensitive. The people would wine about the increased petrol prices and the opposition would take out rallies to show their disapproval for these unfavourable measures against the aam aadmi . After the end of 2 days or less, life moves on. People won’t start walking to their offices just because of the fact that petrol prices have increased! On second thought, this could be a good way to protest against the rising fuel prices.
  • The fuel prices have been deregulated just on papers. The crude oil had risen like anything in the past few months, but the fuel prices were not increased. This is because GOI is the major stakeholder in all these Oil Marketing Companies, and without its consent nothing can happen! It actually seems to be a part of the political gimmicks wherein the State didn’t allowed the increase in fuel prices just as a goodwill measure until the elections got over. But even this didn’t fool the common people, who turned out in huge, unimaginable numbers in the State elections to show their disapproval against the Govt.
  • The considerable huge BPL people of the world’s largest democracy are dying out of starvation and are malnutritioned, while the food grains keep on rotting in the food warehouses of the Central Govt. Well, the blame game is already on, with the Supreme Court blaming the Central Govt, which in turn is blaming the State Govts for picking up only 40% quantity of food grain approved for releasing. Needless to say, the State Govts as well as the Central Govt need to build State of the Art food warehouses in this country, so that any living person in this country is not deprived of the basic needs.

These inefficiencies of the Govt are very evidently visible:
  • The rising cost expenses are putting pressure on the corporate performance, as the cost of funds keep on rising.
  • The FIIs are pulling out of the Indian stock market on concerns of uncontrolled inflation.
  • The honourable PM seems to be just a puppet in the hands of the ruling party, who even doesn’t have the power to properly choose the Cabinet himself.
  • We, the people, have to bear with the chosen Govt for a period of 5 years, before being able to change the Govt.

The only ray of hope that I see at this point of time is Anna Hazare who has started the movement to make the Govt accountable. Also, I am eagerly waiting for the UID to be implemented throughout the country. Both these initiatives should be able to plug off the paths through which the hard earned money of the public is leaking, bring transparency and accountability on part of the Govt and empower the people of India.